Digital Video | Castrol – Night Rider

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ProjectNight Ride
CategoryCreative execution
PlatformsYouTube / Facebook

Goal : John Abraham had give a day of his time to shoot for castrol. The challenge was to create a film without losing his presence even when the whole film took 6 days to shoot.

Director : Tenny Tomas
Agency : Ogilvy India
Production house : Early Man Film
Duration : 2 min 29 sec

Castrol India created this video as a call to action to the rider community asking them to share their stories… what inspires them to ride?

Behind the scenes : Triva

  1. Scenes with John Abraham was shot in a single day at Mehboob studios in Mumbai
  2. John being a passionate biker himself was involved in the scripting process. The final video incorporated many of his suggestions.
  3. The dubbing was a breeze for John because he had memorised most of it before hitting the studio. That told a lot about the dedication of the star actor.
  4. The riding shots were done on streets of Mumbai and New Mumbai at nights, with a stunt rider who could ride the Yamaha 1000cc super bike.
  5. Most of the shots were taken ‘guerilla’ style but the roar of the engine still attracted cops.
  6. Video used footages from Arri Alexa, Go-pro, Canon C300, 5D Mark 2 as well as iPhone and was shot over 6 days

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